Finding a local florist is best
Why you should find a “local florist” when sending flowers
Finding a local florist for your flower orders is an absolute MUST. Here we explain why local florists will provide you with the best flower option the next time you need blooms.
Flower quality & knowledge
Local florists would be able to assist you in a more personalised way when making a purchase. As they have daily knowledge of what is in season, what the current climate will support and an intimate knowledge and relationship with any local growers. Sometimes this will include knowing what day of the week growers will be picking certain flowers.
As each city has different flower availabilities, prices and climate issues to face, placing an order through an interstate or overseas relay service doesn’t take this into account. Your local florist will know it all.
Local florists are often small, family run businesses
Supporting local is important. These businesses are often run by a family and employ more local residents in your neighbourhood. Local florists are an essential part of many shopping centres – providing a vibrant display of blooms and gifting products for local shoppers to browse.
At Code Bloom we love being part of The Mezz in Mt Hawthorn. It is a small friendly shopping centre with a varied selection of retailers (see our shop listing shop listing directory)
Many of our customers pop in before they start their weekly shop at Woolworths and we make their bouquets up whilst they are shopping, to pick up on their way home.
How do I know if a florist is actually local?
Google search results can be so misleading! The best way to check a florist is local is to try and find a street address for them, usually in their contact page. If there isn’t a street address – there’s a good chance they aren’t even located in Perth!
Next best thing is to call any number located on the page. We are often getting calls from customers double checking that we are a real local florist service! We are always happy to take orders over the phone too if you just aren’t sure of the website and prefer to talk to a human!
What is an order gatherer or florist relay service?
These are flower services that will often market themselves as local to the area. However they can be located overseas or overeast. Many examples of these will pop up on Google’s first page.
Ordering through these websites can result in an inferior product as there will be some type of commission taken for the order from the sending florist and another commission to the order gatherer or relay service, and then the order is passed on to a local florist. The poor local florist then has a limited budget to work with to provide the blooms.
Increasingly on the rise are cheap daily flower services from the east coast coming in with a massive corporate setup behind them, taking a huge market share of the local flower market. These are unfortunately resulting in many small local florists closing up shop entirely as they are unable to compete with companies with such a big corporate backing.
Does Code Bloom work with order gatherers or relay services?
No! After many years working with a relay service we were consistently hearing unhappy feedback from our customers sending flowers. There is simply no way to have control over the flowers sent. We ended all associations with these companies many years ago and always advise customers to google local florists instead.
Local florist shops need support
Local florists are sadly becoming harder to find. Florist shops around Perth are closing each week, finding it hard to continue with increasing costs in these hard times. Yes sometimes our prices of flowers might be more than you will find in a larger chain or supermarket flowers.
As small businesses we don’t get the luxury of largely discounted wholesale prices. Many of these supermarkets or chains will sell retail flowers at almost our wholesale cost! We try to offset these price differences by providing a more tailored flower service based on our interaction with each customer.
So it is clearly better to GO LOCAL! Support your local Perth florist, and any other local business while we are at it! You might be surprised at the difference!
And if you need to know anything more about your local Perth Florist – Code Bloom – have a read about here.