Bright & Colourful Bouquet
$130.00 – $190.00
Bright & colourful bouquet – made up of the best seasonal flowers available.
Our florists will choose beautiful bright flowers arranged into a bouquet with foliage to suit.
Flowers that could be chosen for this bouquet include disbuds, roses, chrysies, iris, asiatic lilies, golden rod, carnations, snaps or stocks, ping-pongs, statice and any other seasonal flowers that will suit.
Made up of a range of colours to ensure the bouquet is a bright & colourful bouquet and a cheerful present!
Our florists will giftwrap your bouquet beautifully, and finish it with a water bag and ribbon.
It also comes with a complimentary gift card for your personal message.
Recommended Gift to Match:
Fruit Hamper – a tasty, cheerful gift to match!